Instrat Foundation presents publication Green Renaissance: Municipal toolkit of energy transition (Zielony Renesans – Samorządowy podręcznik transformacji energetycznej) prepared for the Association Energia Miast (Energy of the Cities). This toolkit is meant to guide municipal leaders, urban activists, local politicians, civil servants any citizen interested in shaping the path of sustainable energy transition.
Our publications consists of three chapters:
- first chapter – we have analysed trends and threats in the energy transition, based on domestic strategies (incl. National Energy and Climate Action Pland) and regulatory framework
- second chapter – we present ten case studies of ambitious and successful energy transition projects in different fields and aspects (energy clusters, circular economy etc.)
- third chapter – we created a roadmap for a comprehensive transformation that should be driven by the aspects of decentralization, innovation and at the same time consider social justice.
Chapter 2 consists of the following case studies:
- Energy clusters and PV – Zgorzelec (PL)
- Onshore wind farms – Głuchów (PL)
- Open data access – GRECO (international)
- Technology transfer in RES – Konstantynów Łódzki (PL)
- Electromobility – Ostrów Wielkopolski (PL)
- Circular economy – Ljubljana (SI)
- Sustainable heating systems and biomass – Lębork (PL)
- Energy efficiency and combating energy poverty – Słupsk (PL)
- Decarbonisation based on intergenerational solidarity międzypokoleniowej – Ruhr Valley (DE)
- Municipal ownership – Berlin (DE)
The report was presented on September 9th, 2019 in Hotel Bristol in Warsaw.
For media relations see to this website.