Ambitious Paneuropean projects such as energy transition require unusual and inevitable efforts to obtain financing. The European project should be strenthened thorough a clear action for the common market and not protectionism – says new report of the Polish Economic Institute stating priorities for the new European Comission 2019-2024.
One of eleven chapters (chapter 7) on capital markets was authored by Katarzyna Szwarc from Instrat.
- download the report „Common Market as a Common Commitment”
- download press release as PDF file
- download presentation
Publication was released on October 23rd, 2019 at a joint event organized by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Polish Economic Institute hosting Deputy Foreign Minister Konrad Szymański, Piotr Arak (PIE) and Guntram Wolff (Bruegel).
Już o godz: 12:00 rozpocznie się konferencja z udziałem wicemin. #Szymański i dyrektora @PIE_NET_PL @piotrarak pt. „Europa w czasie przemian – jak odpowiedzieć na społeczno-ekonomiczne wyzwania w #UE🇪🇺?”.
🎥Oglądaj relację na żywo⤵️
— Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP 🇵🇱 (@MSZ_RP) October 23, 2019