DSA draft guidelines on elections
Four organisations from Central & Eastern Europe prepared recommendations on how to improve the Draft Guidelines for Providers of Very Large Online Platforms and Very Large Online Search Engines on the Mitigation of Systemic Risks for Electoral Processes. Our joint message is that we expect more precision on local-specific risks, demonetisation of disinformation, and synthetic […]
Blanka Wawrzyniak becomes an Open Data Institute Fellow
Blanka Wawrzyniak, our Head of Digital Economy programme, has become a https://www.theodi.org/article/meet-the-2023-cohort-of-odi-research-fellows/. During her fellowship, Blanka will examine issues related to the value of data and the role of social and economic incentives in encouraging individuals to share their data for the common good. The ODI is a UK-based non-profit organisation with a mission to […]
Visegrad Insight: The Polish Government’s Data-driven Authoritarianism
Blanka Wawrzyniak and Marta Musidłowska describe how the Polish government keeps finding new ways to run afoul of the EU’s rule of law regulations for Visegrad Insight.
Poland Digitally Sovereign
In the spring of 2020, an expert coalition, the Polish Digital Sovereignty Charter, started to work on a package of rules that would enable sustainable and socially beneficial development of the digital economy in Poland. The report “Poland digitally sovereign” was a result of the coalition’s work and ongoing dialogue with different stakeholders whose aim […]