Warsztat online: Modelling the Polish energy transition – going beyond the black box

On 1st February 2023 11:00-12:30 CET we invite you to participate in a dedicated online workshop on Zoom. The event will be conducted in English.

Wydarzenie w jęz. angielskim 👇

It is an exciting time for the Polish energy system. Finally, signs of the inevitable transition towards a high level of renewable electricity are evident. 

Instrat Foundation offers open-access tools that help navigate the Polish energy transition. In 2021, we developed the PyPSA-PL model and used it to simulate the Polish energy system hour-by-hour. We showed that renewable energy sources can plausibly contribute 70% to the annual electricity generation by 2030.

Last year, together with Climact, we embarked on a modelling exercise encompassing not only the power sector but the whole Polish economy. By creating decarbonisation scenarios within Pathways Explorer, we aim to provide domestic decision-makers with a tangible tool to explore the space of feasible climate-friendly policies tailored for Poland. 

On 1st February 2023 11:00-12:30 CET we invite you to participate in a dedicated online workshop on Zoom. Please register to participate. The event will be conducted in English.


11:00-12:00 PyPSA-PL

In the first part of the workshop, we will present recent enhancements and new functionalities of the PyPSA-PL model. Some of the questions we address with the latest version of our model are:

  • What is the cost-optimal electricity generation mix in Poland by 2030 and beyond?
  • How to ensure a stable power supply in an energy system with a high share of variable renewable energy?
  • How will the cross-border electricity trade stabilise the Polish energy system?

We hope to discuss these topics in the workshop and inform the model’s further development with gathered feedback.

Speaker: Patryk Kubiczek (Energy modelling expert, Instrat)

12:00-12:30 Pathways Explorer 

In the second part of the workshop, we will: 

  • Present the Pathways Explorer model, and the data sources used as its input.
  • Discuss three selected energy transition scenarios for Poland that have already been shaping the public debate.
  • Explain how we “mimicked” those scenarios within the Pathways Explorer tool to facilitate their comparison.

Subsequently, we would like to discuss how the Pathways Explorer can aid the public debate on the energy transition in the coming months.

Speaker: Aleksander Szpor (Head of the Just Transition Program, Instrat)


Please fill out the following form to participate on Zoom.
The event will be conducted in English.


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