Instrat and Polityka Insight team up to organise a debate in Brussels


In September, distinguished experts will meet to introduce the Brussels audience to the energy challenges the new government will face after the parliamentary elections.

Date: 19/09/2023, 3:45 PM CET

Place: ACE Events, Av. d’Auderghem 22, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium

Registration: [LINK]


3:45-4:00 pm – Welcome, Introduction presentation on Instrat’s modelling of the Polish power system until 2040

4:00-5:30 pm – Panel discussion
• Małgorzata Bartosik, Deputy CEO, WindEurope
• Wanda Buk, Vice-President for Regulatory Affairs, PGE
• Michał Hetmański, CEO, Instrat
• Ryszard Pawlik, Policy Adviser to Jerzy Buzek MEP, EPP
• Moderator: Robert Tomaszewski, Head of Energy Sector Desk, Polityka Insight
5:30-6:15 pm – Networking reception


Poland is awaiting a parliamentary election in mid-October 2023 and the new government (conservative or liberal) is going to face key decisions in the area of energy and climate policy over the next two years. Against the backdrop of the 2021-2023 energy crisis, the future of Poland’s power sector is presently at the heart of an intense public debate incorporating a mix of technological, economic, and political considerations. A group of experts is going to discuss the matter and answer questions from the Brussels audience.

Warsaw recently decided to drop its energy policy update ahead of the upcoming elections. However, in its unofficial scenario, the government quietly admits that the decarbonisation of the Polish electricity system should accelerate. Energy system modelling by Instrat Foundation sets higher ambitions and reveals that pursuing quicker renewable energy sources development is not only achievable but also beneficial. By increasing RES investments, Poland could realise substantial savings on natural gas purchases, CO2 emission allowances, and electricity imports.

Parliamentary elections in Autumn can lead to substantial political shifts even if the ruling party stays in power. The potential for energy and climate policy changes is high, but the issue is far from settled, and many hard questions remain, i.e. how to achieve higher energy efficiency targets, electrification of the industry, integrate the heating sector with the power system and faster roll-out of renewable hydrogen?

Instrat’s power system modelling is the vital tool that empowers a more ambitious transition of the Polish energy system. Experts are going to present preliminary findings of the energy sector modelling with a 2040 perspective, which should guide the Polish government and the European Commission ahead of the upcoming COP28 debate on 2040 targets, Instrat already proved that renewable energy sources may account for up to 70% of electricity consumption by 2030.

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