Premiere of the modelling report and debate on challenges for the new government


On 12 December 2023, an event was held by the Instrat Foundation under the theme ‘Poland nearing net-zero? Modelling decarbonisation pathways for the Polish energy sector and economy up to 2040. It is becoming an annual tradition that we meet at the end of the year at an open conference to discuss the upcoming challenges for public policies regarding the energy system.


As one of the few countries in the European Union, we do not have an up-to-date long-term energy strategy, so we met with a wide range of experts to discuss ideas on what it could look like.

The event featured the official premiere of the report ‘Poland nearing net-zero’, which presents scenarios for the decarbonisation of the Polish energy sector and economy by 2040. Patryk Kubiczek, an energy modelling expert, discussed scenarios for the Polish energy transition up to 2040. Wojciech Żelisko, an analyst, explored the potential for a hydrogen economy in Poland. Michal Smoleń, head of the Energy and Climate research programme, spoke about the implications for Poland’s transition strategy – RES targets and other policies requiring the attention of the new government.

The second part of the event featured an expert panel moderated by Justyna Piszczatowska (Green-News) under the title ‘From crisis to transformation. Challenges for the new government’. Experts including Piotr Arak (Director of the Polish Economic Institute), Aleksandra Barańska (Member of the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič), Grzegorz Onichimowski (Civic Institute), Michał Smoleń (Head of the Energy and Climate research programme at the Instrat Foundation) and Joanna Wis-Bielewicz (Head of Market Development, Ørsted) discussed the opportunities for a new opening of the issues related to a fair transition, investments in RES and coordination of the process of reducing emissions from the Polish economy.

This activity has been delivered with the support of the Minor Foundation for Major Challenges.

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