The Capital Market Development Strategy Monitor has published the recommendations of the Working Groups operating at the Polish Sustainable Finance Platform. The Platform is an advisory body established by the Ministry of Finance, whose main objective is to develop a Sustainable Finance Roadmap – a strategy for the development of the area of sustainable finance on the Polish financial market. We actively participated in the work of two of the four working groups and our voice influenced their final recommendations.
- The recommendations of the Green Bond Working Group include the postulate to consider the establishment of a local government green bond agency in Poland, which we presented in our report Green Bonds. Fostering development of the Polish market (Instrat Policy Note 01/2023).
- The recommendations of the ESG Reporting Working Group, on the other hand, point to an important gap that our database of companies required to report under the CSRD fulfils in increasing the availability of ESG data in the Polish market. Instrat was not a permanent member of this Working Group, but we were pleased to present our database to the members of the Group at its meeting in December 2022.
We would like to thank the other members of the Working Groups for their hard work on the development of sustainable finance in Poland in 2023 and look forward to the publication of the full Sustainable Finance Roadmap by the Platform.